'Time for a change' my wife and I agreed, let me give you a quick update.
Around 10 years ago we bought an un-restored farmhouse on Gozo, had it fully restored by a local builder and added a swimming pool.

Following my retirement from the London Fire Brigade 5 years later, we moved lock stock and barrel to the beautiful Island of Gozo, having sold up in the Uk.
The following 5 years proved to be some of the most stressful years of our moderately long life for a whole variety of reasons that I won't bore you with here. So it is with great regret that we have now sold the farmhouse and left the Island.
When our friends in Malta and Gozo heard of our plans to move they all thought we were off back to blighty, but no not the case. Prior to our Gozo move, France was a consideration (hind site is a wonderful thing).